The IgG based food sensitivity test applied in this practice is not the same as a typical food allergy test, which looks at more life-threatening, or immediate reactions to foods. The food sensitivity test looks specifically at delayed reactions because of those symptoms occurring 24-72 hours after you have eaten a food. When you take this test, 190 of the most common healthy foods will be tested to provide you with a personalized analysis of which foods you have a low, moderate, or high sensitivity to.
Common Symptoms: Itchy skin, Headaches, Joint Pain, Skin Rash, Low Mood, Irritability, Brain Fog, Inflammation, Muscle Weakness, Learning Disabilities, Mystery Pain & Stiffness
Type of Test: Blood Spot (Finger Prick)
Price $399
In this lab test, you will get a clear picture of your levels of thyroid, adrenal output, and hormones. Along with assessment of your blood sugar & vitamin D levels, which are huge components of balancing your overall health, anti-aging, & immunity. If you are struggling to lose weight, low energy, depression & low mood, low libido, & anxiety, this could be the perfect fit to help you unveil root causes to these issues, and truly get to a state of balanced hormones.
Common Symptoms: Low Energy, Mood or Libido, Weight Gain, Puffiness, Anxiety, Depression, Brain Fog, Thinning or Brittle Hair/Nails
Type of Test: Saliva Sample & Blood Spot (Finger Prick)
Price $499
In the Gut, Bacteria, & Stool Test, you will take a deep dive into measurements of your microscopy, antigens, cultures, and occult blood in your gastrointestinal tract. Digestion, absorption of nutrients, and inflammatory markers are measured to establish how efficient your digestive tract is functioning, along with looking for parasites, yeast, and bacteria markers, such as H. Pylori that can be detrimental to your health, even if you are following a healthy lifestyle & diet.
Common Symptoms: Bowel Dysfunction, Diarrhea, Abdominal Cramps, Brain Fog, Chronic Stress, Fatigue, Headaches, Nausea/Vomiting, Blood/Mucus In Stool
Type of Test: Stool Sample
Price $499
The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test is an incredible test providing you with insight into your nervous system and how it is handling stress. Discover your mineral levels as well as any heavy metal toxicities & how your body is dealing with those markers, along with what stage you are at for adrenal function. Your mineral levels include your electrolytes, a vital component to your pH levels in your blood, & amount of water in your body. When your electrolytes and mineral levels are unbalanced with one another, your nervous system goes into overdrive, your body can’t manage stress in a healthy way. If you have high anxiety, feel overwhelmed, mood shifts, headaches, numbness or tingling, trouble focusing, or poor sleep, the HTMA is a great way to see real data to determine what is causing these imbalances.
Common Symptoms: High Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm, Mood Disturbances, High/Low Energy, Headaches, Skin Rashes, Numbness/Tingling, Poor Sleep, Learning Disabilities (children)
Type of Test: Hair Sample
Price $199
This particular test measures your levels of intestinal yeast, bacteria and fungal numbers, and reveals digestive-based issues that you may be experiencing. This test has over 75 biomarkers with 12 distinct sections to showcase gut health and specific disturbances that could be causing a long list of symptoms. You will be shown exactly what deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, energy mitochondria producers, neurotransmitter metabolites, and detoxifiers, such as glutathione precursors. If you have an unbalance in microorganisms, it can cause or worsen behavior disorders, digestive issues, fatigue & immune function. Many with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders frequently excrete abnormal organic acids, making this test one of most effective, yet often overlooked & underutilized tests that reveal answers to how your body is functioning from the inside out.
Common Symptoms: Digestive Issues, Bloating, Gas, Acid Reflux, Diarrhea, Constipation, Mood Irregularities, Immune Dysfunction
Type of Test: Urine Sample
Price $399
In our day to day, it is pretty clear how elevated inflammation levels in your body can look like a wide range of health issues. It’s already challenging keeping up with work, life balance, and when these kinds of symptoms turn into reality, it’s so important to get to the root of what is causing that inflammation. Often, the consequences of uncontrolled inflammation don’t reveal themselves until it’s too late. That is why the Omega 3’s Test is so important to being proactive with your health & wellness. When you run this test, it will show Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio, which indicates true levels of inflammation.
Common Symptoms: Cardiovascular Issues, Blood Pressure Imbalance, Joint Pain, Low Mood, Hormone Imbalances, Systemic Inflammation, Fatigue, Allergies, Asthma, Childhood Mood Disturbances, Muscle Inflammation, Premature Aging
Type of Test: Blood Spot (Finger Prick)
Price $199